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International Women's Day: History, Phrases and Meanings of March 8

International Day
Women, a day dedicated to the struggle for women's rights and
gender equality.

This warning has a very ancient history originating from 1909, when A
New York is an important event organized by workers
textiles to protest poor working conditions and ask questions
Greater rights and better wages.

Since then, March 8 has been adopted worldwide as
The symbol of struggle for women's rights and gender equality.

Over the years, there were many initiatives and campaigns that were promoted
On today's occasion, aims to sensitize opinions
public about the condition of women and to promote emancipation
Women in all fields of life.

In this article, we will deepen the story, its meaning, and more phrases
Famous from International Women's Day, to better understand
The importance of this birthday and challenges must still be handled.
History of International Women's Day:

History of International Women's Day has many roots
Far on the date of returning to the 19th century worker movement*, when
women begin to regulate themselves to claim their rights and
Improve their working conditions.

*In 1908, in New York, a group of women *textiles *organized
Demonstrations to protest poor working conditions* e
Ask for more rights and better wages.

The following year, *in 1909, "First National Day
Women "in the United States,* at the initiative of the American Socialist Party,
to celebrate the 1908 event and to reaffirm the struggle for me
Women's rights.

*On March 8, which today has become International Day
From the woman, chosen in 1910, during the second international conference
Socialist women, who are detained in Copenhagen. *

On that occasion, it was proposed to establish International Day
for the struggle for women's rights, which are approved in a round voice
from the participants at the conference.

The first international women's day was held on March 19, 1911, at
Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, with events and processions for
City roads.

In the following years, *March 8 became the Anniversary
more important*, to become an international party,
celebrated throughout the world.
March 8 Meaning:

*International Women's Day has a very deep meaning*,
Which goes beyond the simple celebration of women.

This warning is actually a moment of reflection and struggle for me
gender rights and equality*, and is an opportunity for
sensitive public opinion about the condition of women, who are still
Currently it is often marked by discrimination and inequality.

March 8 also represented the moment of the celebration
The conquest was obtained by women for years, starting from the first
Manifestation of the worker movement to battle for the right to
Choose, for access to education and for salary equality.

In many countries, international women's day has also become
Opportunities to promote initiatives and projects that aim to improve
Women's condition*, like a campaign to compare
gender violence, to support the education of girls and to encourage
Women's access to the labor market.
Famous phrases for International Women's Day:

On the occasion of international women's day, there are many sentences
Famous that has been spoken for years, by the woman done
In the struggle for the rights of women or famous people who want
Express their support for women's purposes.
Among the most famous phrases for International Women's Day,
We can mention: Robert Alexander/Getty Images

- "I am not free until all women, even if
Their chains are different from me. "(Audre Gross)
- "Women need the freedom to develop their own property
personality, must be encouraged to use their brains and a
become independent. "(Emma Goldman)
- "Gender equality is not only fundamental human rights, but also
The basis needed for peace, prosperity and sustainability. "(António
- "No one can do women what you don't allow them to do."
(Bethenny Frankel)

Insights about International Women's Day:

To better understand the story and *meaning today
International Women*, we can deepen certain themes,
For example:

- Struggle *for the right to voting for women *, which she represents
One of the first big battles of women's movements, and which allows
to women to participate in political life and train them
the right to vote.
- Questions *about salary equality *, which still represents until now
One of the main discrimination against women, who often *
They get less than men to do the same job*.
- *fight against gender violence *, a phenomenon is still a lot
Widespread throughout the world, which mainly affects women and that
representing* serious human rights violations.*
- The importance of education for girls and girls*, Yang
representing a fundamental factor for female emancipation and *for
more just and just development of society*.

How to celebrate international women's day participating

To celebrate international women's day, that's possible
participate in events and initiatives held throughout
the world, to make your voice be heard and promote the struggle for me
Women's rights.

Manifestations can take different forms, such as processions,
Sit-in, cultural event and public debate, and can represent
the opportunity to meet other women involved in the same cause
To strengthen solidarity between women from various nationalities and cultures.
Support local initiatives

There are many opportunities to contribute to the cause of women a
Local level.

For example,* it is possible to participate in the initiative and project that is promoted
by associations and organizations in your city or

This initiative aims to support education e
the formation of girls, to distinguish gender violence, assistance
Women's access to the labor market and promote participation
women's politics.

Commitment to this cause can be expressed through participation
active or time contribution or resource.
Promoting women's empowerment

To promote women's empowerment, it is possible to support women
The path of their personal and professional growth, offers support to them
And encouragement. *

Specifically, it is possible to promote women's access to education
and training, supporting entrepreneurs and autonomous workers, e
encourage women's participation in political and social life.
Share stories about amazing women

To celebrate International Women's Day, it is possible to share
The story of an extraordinary woman *who has left a sign in history e
which contributes to the struggle to women's rights.

Among the women *who have made a difference for many years *, we can
Citing characters like Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai, Simone de Beauvoir, Frida
Kahlo, and many others.

Sharing the story of these women can represent opportunities for
inspire other women and to strengthen awareness of their importance
From the struggle for women's rights.

International Women's Day representing *Opportunities for
Celebrate the achievements obtained by women for years and for
Promoting the struggle for women's rights. *

Thanks to the awareness and mobilization of public opinion,
More and more women who conquer the space for freedom and new autonomy,
And they contribute to a more just and fair development of society.

To support this goal, it is possible to participate in the event,
Supports local initiatives, promoting women's empowerment e
sharing stories about extraordinary women that make a difference
in history.
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The post International Women's Day: History, Phrases and Meanings
March 8 was first paired on a diary woman.
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