US Presidential Election, Joe Biden Still Excelling in Battleground States

The Democratic presidential candidate for the United States (US), former vice president Joe Biden, still notes the lead over incumbent Republican candidate Donald Trump in the battleground states.
However, competition remains fierce and votes can change quickly given the thin differences between the two candidates in several states.
A poll from Real Clear Politics (RCP), Sunday (1/11), stated that Biden has a big advantage in Michigan (50.3%), Pennsylvania (49.5%), and Wisconsin (50.5%), as three Trump's industrialized state by less than 1% in the 2016 election. Biden also excelled in New Hampshire (53.4%) and Virginia (51.7%). Trump himself recorded an advantage in Texas (48%) and Iowa (46.4%), while both drew a tie in Ohio (46.2%).
At the national level, RCP stated that Biden was 7.8% ahead of Trump with a yield of 51.3% - 43.5%, while at the battleground states level, Biden recorded an average advantage over Trump of 3.4% with 49.1% - 45.7%.
Joe Biden Still Excelling in Battleground States
Both Trump and Biden must get a minimum of 270 out of 538 electoral votes to win the White House. Each state has a different electoral vote based on population, for example, several states with a large electoral vote include Texas (38), Florida (29), Pennsylvania (20), Ohio (18), Michigan and Georgia (16 each). ), Georgia (16), North Carolina (16), and Arizona (11). Even a narrow victory in the state means victory over all electoral votes.
Most states are so inclined to one party or another that the focus for voting is usually directed at the dozen or so-called battleground states. The term battleground states also usually refers to floating states where voters are relatively evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans such as in Florida and Ohio.
Source Berita Satu: