Children of celebrities: The lookalikes parents
Madonna and Lourdes, David Beckham and Romeo, Jennifer Garner and Violet ... Difficult for these stars and their children to deny the link between them, as the resemblance is striking!
What is common between Madonna, David Beckham and Katie Holmes? These three stars are crazy about their offspring, certainly. More importantly, they have a real small double at home! Indeed, the children of stars share not only fame and bank account known their parents, they also sometimes exactly the same features!
This is the case of many children of celebrities. And often the physical likeness leads a fusional relationship and complicity of the most touching. They are still children, but in a few years, it might be more difficult to differentiate from their parents!
They are called Violet, Kingston, Kaia, or Romeo ... Even if these names do you say may be nothing, it will perhaps be enough for you to see their faces to guess what these stars are dear little children.
Madonna and Lourdes, David Beckham and Romeo, Jennifer Garner and Violet ... Difficult for these stars and their children to deny the link between them, as the resemblance is striking!
This is the case of many children of celebrities. And often the physical likeness leads a fusional relationship and complicity of the most touching. They are still children, but in a few years, it might be more difficult to differentiate from their parents!
They are called Violet, Kingston, Kaia, or Romeo ... Even if these names do you say may be nothing, it will perhaps be enough for you to see their faces to guess what these stars are dear little children.