Here It Is the Anti-Acne Food List - Although not proven scientifically, but nearly a third of people who have problems with acne claimed there is a strong connection between what they eat with acne.
Easily, acne is caused by turnover of skin cells called keratin. Turnover of skin cells that do not fit will cause the cells and pore clogging oil glands that will capture the protein and sebum (the skin's natural oils) under the skin. Protein and oil it becomes food for P.acnes, the bacteria that cause acne.
There are many ways to prevent the cycle repeats. One way is to eat foods with vitamin and nutrient content of the right. Food affects about 25 percent, the rest is hormonal factors, stress, sleep quality, and environment. A good skin care is also influential. Because it's basically no super food to prevent acne.
According to research in the field of diet and the skin, it was revealed that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are good for the skin. This healthy diet will reduce inflammation and blackheads. Here are some foods that are encouraged and trusted bias preventing acne.
Here It Is the Anti-Acne Food List
Easily, acne is caused by turnover of skin cells called keratin. Turnover of skin cells that do not fit will cause the cells and pore clogging oil glands that will capture the protein and sebum (the skin's natural oils) under the skin. Protein and oil it becomes food for P.acnes, the bacteria that cause acne.
There are many ways to prevent the cycle repeats. One way is to eat foods with vitamin and nutrient content of the right. Food affects about 25 percent, the rest is hormonal factors, stress, sleep quality, and environment. A good skin care is also influential. Because it's basically no super food to prevent acne.
According to research in the field of diet and the skin, it was revealed that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are good for the skin. This healthy diet will reduce inflammation and blackheads. Here are some foods that are encouraged and trusted bias preventing acne.
Here It Is the Anti-Acne Food List
- Vitamin A, Vitamin helps regulate skin regeneration cycle so that no more protein and oils that cause acne are clogged. Vitamin A is the main content of acne medications. The best sources of vitamin A is fish oil, salmon, carrots, spinach, and broccoli. Even so do not overdo vitamin A because it can be toxic.
- Zinc, research shows people with acne in general had higher levels of zinc (zinc) is low. Zinc is needed to create an uncomfortable environment for the growth P.acnes. Besides these minerals are useful for relieving skin irritation. Zinck found in almonds, nuts, or meat.
- Vitamin E and C, antioxidants in vitamin E and C have a calming effect on the skin. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, papaya, tomato, or kiwi. While vitamin E obtained from nuts, olive oil, broccoli, avocado, and green vegetables.
- Selenium, Mineral selenium-containing antioxidant that protects skin from free radical damage. The study also mentioned, along with vitamin E, selenium will accelerate the healing of acne. Sources of selenium include meat salmon, tuna, beans, eggs, and brown rice.
- Omega 3, Omega-3 fatty acids prevent the molecule that triggers inflammation that can cause skin disorders. The best source of omega-3 is a deep-sea fish, flaxseed oil, and nuts.
- Water, Water will help hydrate the body and moisturizes the skin. Adequate water consumption also eliminates toxins that trigger skin problems.