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Democratic Party Schlein wants patrimonials for the rich

The tax of the rich to finance projects in green transitions. This
Petitions carried out by the French European Championship *aurore lilucg *(socialist
and Democrats) and The Economist, *Gabriel Zucman *, signed by more than 130
MEP (10 Italia), 17 millionaires (2 Italia), dozens
Economist and some international NGOs. "Our simple proposal:
Introducing progressive taxes for ultra-rounded wealth
International scale to reduce inequality and contribute
finance the investment needed for ecological transition e
social ", explained the promoter of the petition, also mentioned
For the 1.5% tax idea of ​​assets of at least 50 million euros.
ThenCG and Zucman also explained that if you succeed
The minimum global tax, for multinational companies, must be valid
This year, you can also use tax on the super rich. AND
In fact, precisely for this reason that they asked OECD and the United Nations
to start negotiations about this problem.

The basic idea is to transfer the tax approach
about multinational companies, about the wealth of European rolls, assuming that
The state of the millionaire's tax residence can force, on the asset
detained in a country under tax, tax to reach A
The minimum tax level specified. The problem is when lights up
corporate problems there are all available data and
lacking is quite clear, mapping
All patrimonial consistency is completely able
It's hard if it's not impossible. Besides transparency in obstacles, then there
Anti -Lusive Rules Questions. So actually taxation
The function of this genre must be involved in various countries in the world e
Above all the big economies, what they want is home from
The number of millionaires and billionaires that are larger in the world (US and China). Because of this
Their support is important? Tend to be tendented because millionaires have
minimum several passports and the ability to move their residences
And assets without too many problems.

The proof is given precisely during the Covid where there is something real and
Enough booming in a request from a new residence. Without then counting that
There is, for some time, countries in return for investment,
They offer their citizenship and very profitable tax conditions. That
The involvement of the State of the OECD is because it is fundamental
important but presupposes that they also agree to want to force
Property tax. If
The main jurisdiction will have the effect of escape from wealth
From EU to a more profitable area, "impoverish" the area
from Union.

The piece you should think about is related to skills
National countries and taxation are one of the regions that are not
Give interference at the EU level. Precisely because this reason in the union does not exist
One single taxation, because the presence of tax have highly highlighted it
in European regions and diversity in terms of pressure
Tax between member countries. The beginning of the discussion about one possible
Wealth tax made by EU, not just a very complicated theme at the level
technician but also national because it will also touch the ball
National taxation of each member country, which cannot
Share initiative. It must be remembered that in the absence of a round sound in the EU
We cannot continue with the introduction of tax innovation from this type, a
Less than the rules changed, the hypothesis that has been circulating for several years.

The ideas of the wealth tax made in the EU have highlighted the cracks
in parliament. MPs who have actually been signed
The petition belongs to the socialist progressive alliance and
Democrats and green. The signing list does not appear
MPs belonging to the European People's Party, for identity and
democracy or conservative and European reformists, moreover
The petition, they told them, it was made for them. The Italian side has
Signed by 9 MEPS (*Benifei Brando*, PD,*Corrao Ignazio* -
Independent, *d'Impato Rosa * - Independent, *Gualmini Elisabetta *PD, *Pedicini
Pernicola* - Independent,* Robertti Franco* PD,* Smeriglio Massimiliano*
Pd, * Tinagli Irene * PD, * variauism of Achille * PD). 3 "independent" is
Expelled from M5S in 2020 after voting against the resolution
About Covid Problems. All others belong to the Democratic Party led by *Elly
Schlein* who during the preliminary selection confirms the two foundations
Tax is an introduction to property taxes, forgotten
Existing (eg Cap Cap, Superbollo and Rai Canon, IMU and Ivafe)
and a succession tax review which is one of a little, if not
The only weapon we have in the field of global tax competitiveness
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